Gateshead Clubhouse
A mental health community hub run entirely by its members
Frequently Asked Questions
When is the Clubhouse open?
11am – 4.30pm Monday - Friday.
How will I know what is going on at the Clubhouse?
Online: we provide a timetable of regular activities on the next page and on our regularly-updated Facebook and Twitter pages.
In the building: please checkout our noticeboards, printed timetables (in the reception area) and other leaflets and booklets covering a range of topics and local services. We also have posters on display regarding our events and day trips.
Will I have to attend groups / activities when I'm there?
It is your choice. You are under no pressure to attend the groups. The only limits on your attendance are the opening times.
With the clubhouse being a staff-free service who is in charge when I'm there?
There are always at least two 'Member Reps' on duty when the clubhouse is open, while they do not offer one-to-one support, they will try to help you with any problems or questions you have.
What is a Member Rep?
Without our Member Reps, the Clubhouse would not be able to run, they are the backbone of the organisation. They are Clubhouse members (the same as you) but they want to give something back to our Clubhouse community, and take responsibility for domestic duties and the general well-being of our members. They are the first point of contact for our Members regarding information, help and a general chat.
Who manages the Clubhouse?
The Clubhouse is managed by an elected group of members who meet regularly. As the clubhouse is a registered charity this group of members are called the 'trustees'.